Haven't studied much for my test tmr. Haven't played piano for the past week. But that can wait?? =P
Just decided to showcase some highlights of the trends I'm seeing this summer and the ones that I really want to follow. So here goes. Note: most of these were found on
Forever 21.

Anything Dolman sleeved has caught my eye because it's so 'In' but I have not been able to get my hands on anything that looks as good as what other people have got on.

This one is sort of just a throw in. I really love the color and the amount of drape-age going on in this dress. It's bright and perfect for anything summer related!

I've been obsessed over finding something pullover and something striped for the longest time and I've actually had my eye on this particular sweater for quite a while. Unfortunately, F21 never seems to have this in my size or in stores. :( maybe we're just not meant to be? lol

Again with the striped ness. I actually saw this on somebody in a youtube vid and fell in love. It looks amazing off the shouldered and tucked into a toned down black skirt!
These are super cute preppy shorts that caught my eye. I want to incorporate some preppy style into my wardrobe especially during the summer but it's been hard to find things that I think I will personally be able to pull off.
Anywho, I think I'm going to call it a night. At least from blogger. My bros screaming his head off about the last Harry Potter coming out in 17mins b/c he has work tmr. XD Hope I can catch it on Sat!!