Sunday, September 30, 2012

Lost In the Dark

Emo. Lol I know. I don't like school. Haha have spent the weekend so far humming around when I'm not at work. Like legit non effective anythingness. It's depressing. Sleeping late is also crucially defective. Every night: .... Oh hey look it's 1:00am :@. It's horrible. Got to work late this morn and I got a ride all the way down. Pretty bad. Good thing babies are so adorably amazing. Saved me. We had two criers but they were "workshop kids" so technically not mine. Crying toddlers are tough though. They understand that their parents are gone for a bit and their harder to totally distract. Anyways, bouncy castle bday party tmr. Really hope we get a volunteer again because my partner and I are strong but bouncy castle take down is hefty!

Anyways, check in some more tmr night maybe? Hopefully I get work done first though. Midterms start Monday fuck my life. Tmr is 中秋节 so it'll be tough. Frickity Frick. Talk to y'all later


Sunday, September 9, 2012

I'm sorry for taking advantage of everything you gave me.
I'm sorry for wasting the money you spent on me.
I'm sorry for wasting your time and effort.
I'm sorry I'm not anywhere near what you wanted me to be.
I'm sorry I couldn't become what you expected.
I'm sorry I don't listen to you.
I'm sorry you had to spoil me.
I'm sorry I turned out like I did.
I'm sorry I don't teach my sister.
I'm sorry I snap at her.
I'm sorry I don't clean up after myself.
I'm sorry I cry.
I'm sorry I'm not good enough.

I really hope that this could make you feel better.
Because I never ever wanted you to be unhappy. I never wanted to disobey you.
I'd take it back if I could.
Because I love you. I really do.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Summer in Pictures

Not in order but you get the point!
 Breakfast at Sophie's with the besties before school starts.

 Fraush 2012

Cutest cat in the world hanging around my grandmas house. Not the cutest picture.

Sunset at English Bay post fireworks.

Derping at the beach post fireworks.

Nails did.

Honda Celebration of Light firework barge.

Sick camera!

So many fireworks!

THE most moist most delicious lava cake in the whole wide world. (Applebee's Bellingham)

Staff weekend camping trip at Golden Ears Provincial Park filled with tanning, cliff jumping, campfires, and yummy yummy food.

Famjam BBQ. "Armpit" skewers = Best bbq food.

Tequila Sunrise

Just chilling on the patio, playing dice games and having mind benders ;D.

Boots I ended up buying from Forever 21 after spending all my money.

Officially tried Indian food for the first legit time and it was amazing! Lamb and spinach roti wrap, peas, paneer, and more roti wrap, and a delicious multi fruit smoothie!

Besties+ Beach = <3 

Watching the sun go down.

Hong Kong made out of Lego at Aberdeen Centre.

Bday cake surprise!

Kick ass Indian restaurant with wooden tables and chairs.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Next stop: University

The summer is quite officially over!! Got tons of experiences to post about but I'm going to jump the gun and let my Back to School anxiety out first. Fraush (the Arts faculty frosh at UBC) got me sorta started in the Sept. hype. However, it also gave me a glimpse of how hard school is going to be if I stay as antisocial as I am. Maybe that's hard on myself but it seems true and honestly, it's quite frightening. God knows I'm horrible with adapting to big changes. I really hope that tomorrow and the days that follow will go by smoothly. I think a big thing to keep in mind is to challenge myself because  then, I'm guaranteed to learn and grow. Fingers crossed to all the freshmen of the world and anyone else facing a ginomo change in life!
