Time flies. Got a chance to get a little bit of a tan on this week which is awesome. Famjam dinner tmr. Gupo's hosting I guess you could say. I was looking forward to it because I haven't seen everyone in so long. Especially the babies/ kiddies!! But I'm even more psyched knowing that Arth's bringing a plus one. Too bad Bert is in Vegas. Would have been kinda funny to see his reaction. Plus, it instantly ups Arths bragging rights. I don't care if it doesn't last, makes him hella cooler. Super excited and interested to see how the world will react haha. Posting pics of the past little while for now.
Broski surprised me with a cake and goods for my birthday.
Think I'm going to call this one Shrek. Sounds better than sh*t on grass.
Besties breakfast at Locus on Main St. Really fun place!
Scored these unique Lulu tights at Front and Co. for a decent price.
Clean up clean up everybody do you're share. Wait a moment, I'm the only one here.
Family Sturbacks at RC. Fave most fattening frap.
May 25. B got us tix to Ludovio Einaudi for my bday!!
The sun was setting, but this lady took a pretty unappealing photo...
Outfit. Camwhoring after the amazing amazing show. Took us a while to work with this lighting. #notphotographers
Love this one.
I was hungry so I ate the fountain....oops
Suika on Broadway. Only Japanese place open at 1am on a Sat apparently which is kind of lame. Sick wall by the door though.
Beer bottle chandelier.
Art shot....
Watermelon Calpico Vodka
Stone pot rice.
Clam Udon was amazing. Really hit the spot!
Rode in my first Mini to my first prime rib at a golf clubhouse. Didn't know the spedometer was so large in such a small car.
Went to this one's bleary, early morning grad. But he's graduated!!! <3
Chem can just shoot me in the head right about now.
One of the last pieces of Sushi at lunch ayce with the bff. Don't know why I bother.
Bellingham trip with the big sibs. Super Buffet plate #1
My JD is bigger than yours.
Cheap wine for days at Costco in the USA.
1.75L nbd.