Friday, February 15, 2013

Will you be my Valentine?

So genius in me decides to write a post, not save and then close my app. And then again. Fuck. One more time. -.- Moral of the story: my app hates me, blogger hates me, and I'm not meant to put this up apparently...wtff

Today went by super smoothly which just makes everything that much better. Was supposed to study before heading to the flower shop but I slept late last night instead and just slept in and headed over. I had planned it out quite well so that I could be home early enough to pitch in for dinner.

A had his friends helping out as well so I got to meet another of his friends. Nerdy, like him with a beat up ish Mustang but really amusing (trying my best not to judge but if I come off like it it's not my fault. lol). I'm pretty sure he's one of bros who thought we were a thing. Haha. He was really good at helping out business though. Eager to sell. Haa. I spent most of the day behind the cash when it was busy cuz i avoided wrapping.  It was fun and nice to learn but I did screw up a couple of times. Was embarrassing but now I know how to run the show for Mother's Day. I felt bad for A and his mom because they were running off no sleep and slowly burning out. But still, it was super chill and I felt like I was laughing a good 85% of the day. That's what it's like with cool people. You can be so carefree and joke around even when things are stressful. And it's not a mask, it's nothing fake. Maybe more like optimism. Something I don't know a whole lot about.

I stayed a little later than I had expected just cause I didn't want to walk out during a wave of customers. Near the end, an Asian came in looking for a bouquet of Ferraro's over flowers but he did also add three glittered roses in. If you think about it though, if you can afford that or like 999 roses let's say, and you have someone who means enough to give it to on vday, then why not right?? LOL but damnn. I got a ride home in the beamer because 姨丈 had to head out that way. Was pretty cool because I don't remember ever having a really conversation with him. :P

Albert had everything down when I got home so I sat around and sort of helped. 3 hours later we ate delicious roast and veggies. Simple but delicious dinner. Troll was very neutral the whole night but I'm not saying shit. Tried to go to bed early but that obviously didn't happen.

[Feb 15 1:29pm]
Stoked for the weekend and reading break! Nothing really planned but I feel like school is sucking the life out of me. Dinner with the famjam tomorrow night. Hoping to plan something with A during the day just to chill and cuz I think he's free. Work can wait..-.- I've been having this biking craving. Sea wall deprived but it's supposed to rain all weekend so I prolly wont get a chance. Anyways, feast your eyes on my life! :P

Lame little cupcake I bought for myself at the Sub on Wed.

999 roses

My Valentine's Day well spent with everyone else's flowers ;)

Daddy's cake.

Mr. Sun!!!!!

Bus took forever to come but who cares?? It's sunny!

New fave hangout and also apparently the Harry Potter room.

Just chilling.

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