Sunday, July 24, 2011

BBQ frenzy and cartilage

This weekends been full of BBQ, sun, real zombie shooting, and fun! Friday I played piano first and actually had the rest of the night to myself. I invited a friend over and we killed time shooting zombies and leaving each other for dead. Sat started off as a really brainless lazy day where I didnt even clean my room as predicted but ended up in full throttle. My brother's bbq at a friend's house failed and to save the day, he brought the party to our backyard. It was tons of fun. I invited some of my own friends over for some more mindless brain numbing and learned how to play Bang! this cowboy-y card game. It was tons of fun but my brain was turning off after a little too much of spiked Ribena(which i learned was lei bun ah in canto XD). We're prolly going to see if we can get the game for ourselves though. Today, I woke up late, showered, straightened my hair and attempted to study. Upon failing, my friend and I went downtown and stalled/ shopped before getting our cartilage pierced!!! I'm still in awe over the fact that I ACTUALLY GOT IT DONE. Originally, I had wanted to just get a second normal lobe piercing but my friend dragged me into doing the cartilage. It didn't hurt anywhere as much as I had anticipated and I really like it a lot. INSERT PIC HERE WHEN I GET THE CHANCE. But for now, I must sleep for I have summer school tomorrow. Night world!


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